SACE is an Italian insurance and financial group specialized in supporting Italian companies operating in Italy and the world, which opened its desk office in Belgrade on September 13,2023.
Their primary function will be to support The Made in Italy brand and thus provide support to companies that already export to Serbia and the Balkans, and to those that still want to enter this market, providing them with all the tools, skills and experience that SACE already has for 45 years.
In addition to SACE General Director Alessandra Ricci, the ceremony was attended by the Minister for Enterprises and the Made in Italy brand, Adolf Urso, His Excellency the Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luca Gori, the Minister of Internal and Foreign trade Tomislav Momirović and many others.
Our Mihajlaw firm was represented by our youngest colleague, Ivana Đorđević, a translator.
Svečanosti su pored generalne direktorke SACE-a Alesandre Riči, prisustvovali i ministar za preduzeća i brend Made in Italy, Adolf Urso, njegova ekselencija ambasador Italije u Srbiji Luka Gori, ministar unutrašnje i spoljne trgovine Tomislav Momirović i mnogi drugi.
Našu advokatsku kancelariju Mihajlaw predstavljala je najmlađa koleginica Ivana Đorđević, prevodilac.