21. MAR. 2023.


Our lawyer Vladimir Mihaj, in the Palace of Serbia, participate to the official visit of the Italian state-economic delegation to Serbia, in the presence of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. On that occasion, 11 documents were signed on cooperation between the two countries and further improvement of economic and scientific relations.

– Joint statement on cooperation between the two countries – Agreement on film co-production between the Government of Serbia and the Government of Italy
– Agreement between the two Governments on the mutual recognition and exchange of driver’s licenses 
– Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Italy on cooperation in the field of transport
– Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Serbia and the Agency for Insurance of Foreign Trade Affairs SACE 
– Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Serbia and the Institute for the Internationalization of Italian Companies SIMEST
– Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Serbia and the bank Casa Depositi e Prestiti
– Memorandum on cooperation between the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of Italian Industry in Serbia 
– Memorandum of understanding in the field of agriculture and food industry 
– Memorandum of understanding on agricultural research and cooperation between the Research and Development Institute for Biosystems Information Technologies of Serbia Biosens and the Council for Agricultural and Economic Research of the Republic of Italy 
– Memorandum of Understanding between the Serbian Association of Consulting Engineers and the Italian Association of Engineering, Architectural and Technical-Economic Consulting Organizations 

President Vučić has concluded that in the last 10 years, we have doubled our foreign trade exchange with Italy, today it is at the level of around 4.6 billion euros, and he expect that the exchange will be incomparably greather when Stelantis will open the production of modern, city, electric cars in Kragujevac next year.

Law office MIHAJ LAW is

member of Chamber of Italian Confindustria Serbia

member of Kisp Chamber of Italian and Serbian businesses.


Kneza Mihaila 34/II
11 000 | Beograd | Srbija


Sterijina 50
26 300 | Vršac | Srbija

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